about us



Hi, let us take a moment to introduce ourselves and tell you our story. I am Adam Frank, and my partner, childhood friend and wife is Allie. Like many companies Vitamin SeaBD was born out of need and personal experience. Shortly after having our first child, Allie began experiencing chronic pain and neuropathy. After having our second child the pain became unbearable and was a contributing factor to her post-partum depression and anxiety. Allie couldn’t hold the baby and a diaper bag at the same time, she had to methodically hold the baby to avoid specific parts of her body and had to ensure there was a pillow between her and our older child if they were cuddling on the couch. This was how no mom, or person, should live. After over 5 years of constant doctors appointments, physical therapy, tests, medications as well as exploring various aspects of eastern medicine an incredible doctor taught us about the benefits of CBD.

After seeing what a difference CBD made in Allie’s life, I knew there had to be many others out there just like her who were hesitant to use a product associated with marijuana. We wanted to take this experience and make it our mission to help break the stigma around these types of products and hopefully help others the way CBD has helped us. At Vitamin SeaBD we want others to feel comfortable with the products they are using so we only curate natural, organic, lab-test products. For more information on the different types of cannabinoids, products, and offerings please head over to the learn page and don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or to share your story with us!

We take pride in offering the following products, which actually bring a positive change in the life of the users:

  • Best CBD soap
  • CBD bar soap
  • CBD oil soap
  • CBD bath soap
  • Full spectrum CBD CBG gummies
  • Best CBD products for anxiety
  • CBD hair products
  • CBD massage products


Now she enjoys rides on her bike, activities with the girls, and all the amazing parts of being a mom.


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